Feeling the Winter Blues? Top Ways to Boost Your Mood

It’s official. The days are getting shorter, things are getting colder, and your mood is already careening towards the winter blues. Sure, there’s loads to still look forward to this season, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s darker, dreary, and getting cold. If you are someone who is particularly sensitive to winter and is ready to shake off those blues before they can even settle in, then this guide is for you.


Care for Your Skin

One of the biggest reasons why people don’t like winter is because of how hard the skin takes it. Winter winds, rain, and pollution are just the tip of the iceberg. Add the inevitable “too-cold-outside, too hot on public transport” shuffle, and you also have sweat and bacteria build-up to worry about.


That’s why one of the easiest and best ways to fight back against winter is to take care of your skin.


·       Build Up Your Skin Barrier


The best way to rebuff those damaging winter winds is to build up your skin barrier. This can be done at home by using gentle exfoliants only, and working on keeping your skin properly hydrated from the inside and out. This means you need to stay properly hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day. You’ll also want to use a great set of serums, moisturisers, and, yes, sunscreen every time you leave the house.


·       Get a Massage


It’s not just the skin on your face that matters, either. All of your body does! The best way to ensure that your skin’s getting the nourishment that it needs is to get a massage in Oxford. Choose a great massage oil, and treat yourself to collagen gloves and socks to help boost your skin’s barrier, increase circulation, and, most importantly, ease away those stress knots. A massage once a month is a great way to treat yourself, boost your wellbeing, and care for your skin, making it one of the best things you can do to beat the winter blues.


Make it Cosy in Your Home


You deserve a home that feels like a warm hug. How do you achieve this? With textiles and soft lights. Get soft, beautiful lamps to draw the lights down, hang up some fairy lights, and always, always use more candles than you think you need. Choose one scented candle for an evening of relaxation, and light up the rest of your space with non-scented support candles.


Cosy up further with luxurious blankets (we highly recommend a weighted blanket) and sweaters. A great pair of slippers is another easy way to cosy in and bed down during the darker days.


Learn Something New

You don’t need to try hibernating while waiting out winter completely. To make the most of your time at home, pick up a new skill or hobby. A sofa hobby like knitting or drawing can do wonders to keep your brain stimulated and engaged! Between your at-home hobby, full-body pampering, and cosy home, you’ll turn those winter blues into a soft, hygge-inspired season instead.