Contact us
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. There is always a receptionist on hand to answer our calls, but if for any reason she cannot answer, please leave us a message with your name and telephone number, and we will get straight back to you.
We aim to respond to all email enquiries within 48hrs of receipt.
T | 01235 521 555
Abingdon Salon: 23 West St Helen Street | Abingdon-On-Thames | Oxon | OX14 5BL
Boars Hill Salon: Unit A | 78 Cumnor Road | Boars Hill | Wootton | Oxon | OX1 5JP
Where to find us
23 West St Helen Street | Abingdon-On-Thames | Oxon | OX14 5BL
You can find our Abingdon salon on the one-way system in Abingdon town centre, next to Thomas Clearly Flooring. Plan your route here.
ABINGDON Opening Hours
9am - 5pm Monday
9am - 7pm Tuesday
9am - 7pm Wednesday
9am - 7pm Thursday
9am - 6pm Friday
9am - 5pm Saturday
Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays
BOARS HILL opening hours
9am - 5pm Monday
9am - 6pm Tuesday
9am - 5pm Wednesday
10am - 7pm Thursday
9am - 6pm Friday
9am - 5pm Saturday
Closed Mondays, Sundays & Bank Holidays
Boars Hill:
To find our Boars Hill Salon (from Abingdon to Wootton), follow the Cumnor Road in Wootton past the bystander to the mini roundabout, and take the immediate turning on the right; just before the field. You will find a large green sign marked ‘Sweetcroft’, with ‘Utopia Beauty Salon’ listed at the top. Follow the road to the end of the drive to the car park. You can park for free outside the salon!